The provision, opposed by the White House and the industry, would require companies that refuse to change their leases to pay a "conservation fee" on each barrel they produce. 白宫和石油行业反对该条款,因为该条款要求拒绝变更租赁的公司支付对每桶石油收取的环境保护费。
Situation Analysis and Technology Research in New Auto Wheel House Industry 新型汽车轮罩行业情景分析及工艺研究
Hostile amendments were easily defeated in a final vote of 60-37, following sustained White House and industry pressure. 在白宫和汽车业持续施压之后,最终投票结果为60票对37票,轻易否决了敌对的修正意见。
The contradiction between the diversification and standardization of houses has been solved to a large extent by the development of member standardization in japan, which raises the industrial level of house industry. 摘要日本住宅部件化的发展在很大程度上解决了住宅多样化和标准化之间的矛盾,提高了住宅产业的工业化水平。
The Tobacco House Industry and Its Living Conditions in Opium Prohibiting Campaign in Sichuan Area; Investigation on attitude toward smoking control and practice of suggesting patients giving up smoking among doctors in two cities of Sichuan 四川烟馆行业及其在六年禁烟计划中的生存状况初探四川省两市医生控烟态度及建议病人戒烟行为调查
International Tourism in Hainan Island; Pillar; Stable prices of house; Modern Industry service; 海南国际旅游岛;支柱产业;平稳房价;现代服务业;
He is the Best writer of Publishing House of Electronics Industry on2007. 他于2007年被评为电子工业出版社优秀作者。
Modern dwelling house industry may become true by using CIMS technique in the whole procedure of construction. 将CIMS技术应用于住宅工程项目建设的全过程,形成一种基于现代信息技术的、融合现代管理技术、系统工程、动态联盟等先进思想的住宅开发模式,将促进住宅产业现代化;
House industry has been set up for more than ten years since 1990s in China, and the subject status of house industry has already been established in national economy, relating industry the housing market has began to take shape in our country. 我国的住宅业在20世纪90年代才初步建立,历经十几年的发展住宅业在我国已初具规模,且在我国国民经济中已占主体地位。
There are a lot of factors influencing the house industry in the urbanization course that exists in the three fields of the economy, ecology and society. 影响城市化过程中住宅产业的因素很多,主要存在于经济、生态和社会三方面。
House industry has significant influence on whole real estate, relating industry, human settlements environment and social economy, it is very important to establish scientific prediction model to forecast the market demand of the house. 住宅业无论对整个房地产业,还是对其关联产业、人居环境和社会经济的影响都非常明显,科学、合理地分析、预测住宅市场的需求有着重要的意义。
House decoration industry sees high-speed growth in 2000. In the past three years, many new businesses entered into this market for its large sales volumes and low entry barrier. 家装行业从2000年起高速发展,由于其市场容量大,进入门槛低,使得这个行业的竞争在短短的3年时间里就达到白热化的状态。
Master's Degree Dissertation Forecasting the Tendency of House Design Based on the Development of Chinese House Industry 从我国住宅产业的发展预测住宅设计的发展趋势
This text exactly set out from then on, had studied the production of the high growth industry, diffusion mechanism, and has analyzed the contribution to the whole economic growth of the automobile industry and house industry especially. 本文正是从此出发,研究了高增长产业的产生、扩散机制,并且重点分析了汽车产业和住宅产业对整个经济增长的贡献。
Aiming at the accelerative course of urbanization in China, the thesis brings forwards with the concept and connotation of sustainable development of house industry, analyses the factors which restrict the sustainable development of house industry and discusses correlative strategies and countermeasures. 论文针对我国城市化进程加速的现状,提出住宅产业可持续发展的概念和内涵,分析当前制约我国住宅产业可持续发展的因素,并探讨住宅产业可持续发展的战略对策。
US and European aid comes to Chinese house development industry 地产业来了欧美外援
Since 2002, the economic growth of our country accelerates, with a batch of new high growth industries such as the appearance and developing into the sign continuously of the automobile 、 house industry, have entered a new growth cycle comparatively fast. 从2002年开始,我国经济增长速度加快,以一批新的高增长产业如汽车、住宅产业的出现和持续发展为标志,进入了一个新的较快增长周期。
Research on the International Business Problem of House Electronic Industry in China 中国家电业国际化经营问题研究
The fourth part probes into the factors which restrict the sustainable development of house industry. 第四部分对城市化过程中我国住宅产业的可持续发展进行探索性的研究,重点分析现阶段住宅产业可持续发展的制约因素。
The development of the house industry is due to the support of the finance, especially more obviously in the field of house consumption. 住房业的发展离不开金融的支持,尤其在住房消费领域表现得更为明显。
House industry sustainable development can solve the house pressure in urbanization course that brought by the population increase effectively. 住宅产业可持续发展可以有效解决城市化过程中人口增多带来的住宅压力。
The home mortgage is playing a more and more important role in increasing the goods consumption of the house, promote the house industry with national economic developmenting. 住房抵押贷款在增加住房商品消费、促进住房业和国民经济发展方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。
Traditional installation mode of drainpipe in toilet and kitchen of dwelling house already could not adapt to the development of dwelling house industry. 住宅卫生间、厨房排水管道的传统敷设方式已不适应住宅产业的发展。
At present, the house industry has already become the key industry of our national economy. 目前,住房业已经成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。
Basing on the definition and connotation of sustainable development, the third part puts forwards with the concept and connotation of sustainable development of house industry. 第三部分在可持续发展的定义与内涵的基础上,提出住宅产业可持续发展的概念、内涵以及影响因素。
The Research of Chongqing Main City Zone House Industry Leading Industrialization 重庆主城区住宅业主导产业化研究
House industry is the industry chain spans the first and the second industry. The house is its final product. 住宅产业是一个跨越第二,三产业的产业链,它是以商品住宅作为最终产品,并且按照住宅的建设和使用过程,前后延伸,并辐射带动相关产业而形成的产业链。
Posting system as the rise of Ningbo to help provide a strong system of protection, while posting system allows Ningbo banking house occupied money Industry, high ground, for orders of Industry and Commerce to provide a guarantee. 过帐制度为宁波帮的崛起,提供了强有力的制度保障,同时过帐制度使宁波钱庄占据钱业制高点,为号令全国工商业提供了制度保证。
Additionally, the government tries its best to enlarge the housing mortgage to boost the house industry, which causes a embarrassing situation of real estate financial organizations. 另外,政府又想通过宽松的房地产金融政策来扩大国内住房需求以促进住宅产业的发展,这使商业银行处在一个被动尴尬的局面。
With the rapid development of the house property industry, existing management solutions cannot meet the requirement of the development of the house property industry and thus has become its main bottleneck. 随着房产业的迅猛发展,已有管理方式已不适应行业的发展需要,成为制约房产业发展的瓶劲。